Writers Guild

Wed, 13 Oct, 2021

Report Writing Training for Class 1: Strategies for Success

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A Comprehensive Overview of English Report Writing Training for Class 1

Report Writing Training for Class 1


Some academic assignments may ask for a report in school, instead of an essay. This is when your child can get confused about what that really means. Confusion is basically about the writing style, what information to include, what type of language must be used, and the length of the document. 

Likewise, when your child goes to work, they may be confronted with a request for a report from the senior manager. And in this case, also, many people struggle to figure out what to write exactly. So it is necessary to enrol your child in the best report writing course for class 1st, to ensure that they do not fall behind in class.

What is a report?

A report is an official or semi-official piece of writing that provides information about an incident, event or investigation. It contains the summary and the important details of the subject. In This formal report, you can elaborate on the subject using facts, graphs, and charts to support the various findings and arguments.

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By its nature, a report needs to have the following:

  1. Factual

  2. Objective

  3. Concise

  4. Free from bias

But, why do you think report writing is essential for your child?

The simplest answer is that it will help to shape your child's future. An elaborate report prepared using evaluated facts will help to solve complex problems both in school and in the office.

With PlanetSpark's English report writing course for class 1, your child's English writing skills will improve. It will also improve your child's user vocabulary, grammar, understanding of the different writing genres and ability to write official documents. 

The skins that your child will learn in report writing class for class 1 students, will be used for the cross-cultural communication course.

After completing the 1st-grade report writing classes, your kid will be able to write various reports, and executive summaries and write persuasively in English. They will also learn the use of appropriate writing styles and the tone of writing for various types of reports. 

Benefits Your Child Will Receive From Report Writing Training For Class 1st Children

Report Writing Training For Class 1

  1. Report writing is practical

Every day, we have to write in order to complete various tasks like filling out application forms or an important letter. Therefore from the report writing course for grade 1, your child will learn to ride clearly and organise information effectively in an organised report.

  1. Improves ELA skills

With report writing, your kid will learn English and language arts skills. In simple words, it will improve their vocabulary, grammar and their use of sentences and phrases. This makes it easier for your child to succeed in a school setting.

Your kids especially need help regarding letter sizes and positioning. So, when you enrol them in PlanetSpark's English report writing course for class 1, they can practise report writing with their fellow classmates and improve their skills.

  1. It encourages self-expression

No, your kid is always full of big feelings at this stage of development. In PlanetSpark's 1st class report writing training, your child will be provided with proper tools which they can use to express these feelings.

Report writing for your kid is a way to introduce your child to various complex emotional concepts. It is an exclusive tool for self-expression.

  1. Boost Self Confidence

When your kid first begins to write it can be frustrating for them to rewrite letters and various sentences. But like any other skill, your child's report writing skill for class 1 will gradually improve with practice. The more time you spend with your children with these complicated things, the better they get at them.

When your child completes an entire report all by themselves, they will begin to notice their self-confidence and pride in themselves soar.

  1. Enhances critical thinking abilities

In PlanetSpark's 1st class report writing training, your child will learn to organise their thoughts and process them before writing them. This enhances problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills. Therefore, your child will learn to process information to form new words and construct sentences and paragraphs. 

  1. Connect with classmates

One of the best things that you would say will get from report writing training for class 1, is that it opens up various opportunities for social interaction. When your child sends the report to their classmates or friends, they engage in a trust-building exercise. This helps them to share stories and make new friends.

Enrol your child NOW to open the doors of their bright future. 

How Will Your Child Benefit From PlanetSpark's 1st Class Report Writing Training?

  1. Fun and engaging projects

In PlanetSpark's online English report writing training for class 1, the teachers introduce the concept of report writing in innovative ways by using various examples and cool projects that will keep your child entertained.

  1. A comprehensive course module

PlanetSpark follows a well-planned course module in their English report writing course for class 1. In the module, the teachers help your child overcome the fear of report writing, build up confidence, improve their presence of mind and enhance their interpersonal skills. This also develops confidence and overall personality to prepare them for facing the 21st century.

  1. The module is created by experts

The certification programs are unique and have been scientifically designed by experts in the field.

  1. Professional trainers

PlanetSpark teachers will qualify and help your child learn English report writing skills. The teachers have been selected explicitly from the PSAT (PlanetSpark's Aptitude Test) examination.

What Elements Of Report Writing Will Your Child Learn In PlanetSpark's Best Report Writing Course For Class 1st?

Once your child has got an idea about what a report is, the next step is to understand how to write one. There are various types of reports and each of them follows a specific structure, usually known as 'elements of the report'.

  1. Executive summary

In the section, your child will learn to write a brief review of the report's contents in the section. The key points of the report have to be presented in this section.

The executive summary is important because it will help the readers understand what are the key points, purpose and evidence that your child is going to present in the report. Secondly, all the readers in a hurry can go through the summary and get a brief idea of the report.

In, the English report writing course for class 1, your child will be guided to write these specifics in the executive summary:

  • The main purpose of the report and emphasise conclusions and recommendations 

  • Include only the most important part and information to support the various theories and conclusion

  • To follow the same sequence of information used in the report

  • The executive somebody has to be within 10 to 15% of the entire report

  •  Your child will be advised not to include any extra information or point which is not covered in the report

  •  The executive summary should communicate the entire information and message clearly and independently.


  1. Introduction

In PlanetSpark's online English report writing training for class 1, your child will learn to properly define the introduction section. The points that have to be present are:

  • Description of the background and context of the research

  • The change, problem and you should relate it to the topic

  • Relevant objectives and purpose of the report

  • Hints about the overall answer to the problem


  1. Discussion

In the section, your child will learn to justify the recommendation and explain the necessary conclusions.

  1. Conclusion

This is the last element of report writing and your child has to present the conclusion as follows:

  • To identify and interpret the major problem

  •  Relate to the objectives mentioned in the introduction

  • Keep the conclusion brief and concise

FAQ for English report writing course for class 1

  1. What language should your child use when writing a report?

Your child needs to use clear and objective language while writing a report. People driving should not include any emotional words and should mainly focus on being clear, accurate and concise. This is because the aim of the report is to communicate the important facts as opposed to convincing the various leaders to think or feel in a certain way.

 In PlanetSpark's English report writing course for class 1, your child will learn to use standard English and state forward vocabulary for report writing.

  1. How to structure a report?

 Mostly skateboards tend to follow the following structure:

  • Introduction

  • Methodology

  • Results

  • Discussion

  • Summary

This whole structure is commonly referred to as IMRAD report writing.

  1.  What is report writing for class 1?

Report writing is the formal or official writing style elaborately on a topic or an event. A report writing example in school may include the annual sports day, the annual event date or the school foundation day. The tone has to be formal.

  1.  How do you teach your child to write a report?

Other than enrolling your child in PlanetSpark's grade 1 report writing training, you can also teach your child report writing at home. The tips you may follow are as follows:

  •  Help them choose a topic

  •  Offer useful information resources

  • Ask your child to take notes

  • Then, work with a child to organise their ideas and notes

  • Ask your child to write the report according to the structure carefully

  •  Edit and revise the entire report

  • Share the report with family members and friends.

  1.  What makes a good report?

To make a good report, your child has to present and analyse all the facts and evidence that are relevant to the specific event or issue of the report brief. All the sources have to be acknowledged and the report has to be grammatically correct without any plagiarism. 

  1.  How should your child start a report?

The first section of the report has to be the introduction or the summary. The first section has to stretch for one or two pages to give the writer a brief idea about the results and findings in the report.

  1.  Why are PlanetSpark's 1:1 sessions beneficial for your child?

When you enrol your child for report writing training for class 1, PlanetSpark's teachers offer one-on-one training sessions online. Your child will receive individual attention and therefore, you will notice a considerable improvement in a couple of days.

 The teachers will evaluate the reports and help your child understand their faults and errors. You can also arrange a parent-teacher meeting.

  1.   How is report writing different from other types of writing?

The main reason behind the difference is that reports are only written for a specific audience. So your child has to make sure that they include all the necessary information and details that the audience will be interested in. Additionally, reports are written in a concise manner.

  1.  What is the course duration in PlanetSpark's 1st-grade report writing classes?

Usually, the report writing training for class 1st children takes about_____ months to complete.

  1. How much does PlanetSpark's online English report writing training for class 1 cost?

PlanetSpark's English report writing course for class 1 will cost anywhere between ______ to _____ depending on the class and intensity of the course. You may visit the official website for more details or directly get in touch via email.

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